Building and Grounds / Planning & Projects: Phil Neuharth, Earl Zeeb, and Jeremy Zeeb.
Education committee: Galen Schaeffer, Linda Schaeffer and Randy Woehl.
Mission Committee: Andrew & Whitney Schaeffer, Danielle Schaeffer, and Karen Dolan.
Organists: Alita Guthmiller and Sandra Schaeffer.
Worship Committee: Alita Guthmiller, Galen /Connie Schaeffer, and Shelly Heckenlaible.
Pulpit Supply: Henry Bender
Weather Evaluation Committee: Mark Schaeffer and Roger Guthmiller.
Scheduling: Roger Guthmiller.
Saron Cemetery Committee: Wes Schaeffer, Marvin Guthmiller and Randy Woehl.
Sunday School Supt.: Galen Schaeffer
Appointments made January 2023: If anyone is on a committee and would rather not be, please let the consistory members know.