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A History of Faith

Peace Christian Reformed Church was founded in 1978 by 77 charter families seeking to establish a conservative Christian church based upon Biblical principles.
Initial services were held in the local school auditorium, but little more than year later services were being held in the sanctuary of a new church, the Rev. Tenis Van Kooten (pictured with wife Jan) presiding. Peace CRC was built on the north edge of Menno upon land donated by Gideon and Adella Mettler. Soon after, the busy congregation added a spacious four-bedroom parsonage nearby. 
Our membership became affiliated with the Christian Reformed Church of North America.

Initially the church was a member of Classis Iakota, a governing subgroup of the CRC, but in recent years switched to Classis Minnkota, a group of mostly rural churches whose memberships are similar to our own.
Classis Minnkota serves portions of South Dakota, North Dakota, Minnesota, Michigan and Wisconsin.
Peace's current church leader is the Rev. Ryan VanderWees, who was installed as Pastor on March 5, 2023.

The Pastors of Peace Christian Reformed Church of Menno

Tenis C. Van Kooten (1978)
Stanley De Vries (1979-1986)
Bernard Dykstra (1986-1995)
Timothy R. Hull (1996-1999)
William D. Weber (1999-2004)
Harold Willemstyn (2006-2008)
Joseph A. Brinks (2009-2015)
Stephen D. Moerman (2015-2020)

Ryan VanderWees (2023- )

A Shovelful of Commitment


January 2025
Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday